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Study of Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property Law

Who knows the Mind of the Creator ?

His Word is the Covenant of Peace. The rainbow is to remain us of this covenant forever, for it is perpetual. Those who has the mind of Yahweh, knows and have the intelligence or you can say intellect. Yahweh said he will write the laws upon their mind and heart. The kingdom of Yahweh never came through observation, but is within us. The secrets of the kingdom is written within our DNA secured until the time of the redeemer to make claim to what was promise to him and his family. This is important to know, because only Yahweh knows who has the keys to the kingdom. It is at his appointed time that he bring forth certain aspects of his kingdom to bring about certain events. As living stones, he places us where he wants us to be in the administration. Seeing that this is his plan, only he knows where every stone is to be placed. This Government that he is building is being overseen by Yahshua, who give gifts to those who qualify to fulfill a office and purpose. We ae encouraged to study to show ourselves approve. when we labor in the Word, Yahweh will reward us. What we labor for is what we were called for. Listen to what I am saying. The calling is the office that is being made aviable to you. Some, when called, get discourage and give up and disqualify themselves. It is through great tribulation that we must enter into this Kingdom

1 Cor 2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Yahweh, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Messiah.

Mind - νοῦς - Probably from the base of γινώσκω(G1097) - 1) the mind, comprising alike the faculties of perceiving and understanding and those of feeling, judging, determining

a) the intellectual faculty, the understanding

b) reason in the narrower sense, as the capacity for spiritual truth, the higher powers of the soul, the faculty of perceiving divine things, of recognising goodness and of hating evil

c) the power of considering and judging soberly, calmly and impartially

2) a particular mode of thinking and judging, i.e thoughts, feelings, purposes, desires

Strong's G1097 – ginōskō - A prolonged form of a primary verb - 1) to learn to know, come to know, get a knowledge of perceive, feel

a) to become known

2) to know, understand, perceive, have knowledge of

a) to understand

b) to know

3) Jewish idiom for sexual intercourse between a man and a woman

4) to become acquainted with, to know

intellectual property n.

A product of the intellect that has commercial value, including copyrighted property such as literary or artistic works, and ideational property, such as patents, appellations of origin, business methods, and industrial processes.



a. The ability to learn and reason; the capacity for knowledge and understanding.

b. The ability to think abstractly or profoundly. See Synonyms at mind.

2. A person of great intellectual ability.

[Middle English, from Old French intellecte, from Latin intellctus,perception, from past participle of intellegere, to perceive; seeintelligent.]

in·tel·lec·tu·al(ntl-kch-l) adj.


a. Of or relating to the intellect.

b. Rational rather than emotional.

2. Appealing to or engaging the intellect: an intellectual book; an intellectual problem.


a. Having or showing intellect, especially to a high degree. See Synonyms at intelligent.

b. Given to activities or pursuits that require exercise of the intellect.


An intellectual person.

[Middle English, from Old French intellectuel, from Late Latin intellctulis, from Latin intellctus, intellect; see intellect.]

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